I was asked recently by our sales manager Jeroen van Deutekom to give myself a short intro in our next newsletter.
My name is Dennis Bezema and I’m a full time engineer at VABO composites. Currently my function revolves mainly around the Accedoo product family.
I graduated from the Hogeschool Windesheim in Zwolle with a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering. In 2017 I did an internship at VABO composites during which I had the opportunity to get to know the company and the people. During this period it became clear that VABO and I were a great match and I gladly signed my contract the day after I got my diploma.
On a personal level, I currently live in Emmeloord. I live apart together with my girlfriend in two apartments in the city centre along with our +/- 60 houseplants (my hobby is not coincidentally to look after them). I also like to exercise although this is for now limited to longboarding and walking outdoors.
The achievement I’m most proud of during my time at VABO is the development of our product configurator. Anyone with a slight understanding of 3d-CAD and our ERP-system is now able to generate customer specific models and drawings. This functionality along with the massive time reduction in the engineering phase is, for now, my greatest achievement at VABO.