VABO has gotten multiple request from clients for double doors (2 leaves opening in opposite directions, without a jam in the middle). A double door comes with 2 inherent problems:

  • Sealing the gap between the 2 leaves.
  • Sealing the location where the seal from 1 door meets the other.

Education level:


Within the project the student(s) will have to investigate the following:

  • Investigate different seal types, materials and joining methods (between seals)
  • Design seal holder and/or connection detail for double doors
  • Design experiments and perform pressure tests to check the seals performance

VABO states that the outcome of the project has to meet the following requirements:

  • Easy to integrate in the current Accedoo products
  • Supply chain and cost calculation should be thoroughly mapped out (product ready to order by VABO

Practical Information:

VABO supervisor: Dennis Bezema (engineering),