For a while VABO wants to implement an information carrier device into our Accedoo products as part of our efforts to further digitize our product and workflow. This device has to store information about the product and the production process. It also has to be able to store information that was acquired by sensors.

Education level:


Within the project the student(s) will have to investigate the following:

  • Which device is best to install.
  • What information is useful to collect.
  • How to install the device (and in which phase of the prod. process).
  • How to collect the stored data.

VABO states that the outcome of the project has to meet the following requirements:

Adamant for the success of this project is the fact that the outcome of the project is fully integrated into the company structure, meaning:

  • Complete process, from installation up to data collection, has to be covered by CaseMaster (the VABO ERP-system).
  • The data collection or installation may under no circumstance influence to specifications of the door, the production process or the end user experience.

Practical Information:

VABO supervisor: Dennis Bezema (engineering),